Friday, September 25, 2009


Karla is the girl that Lee Jr. got pregnant at 16 then proceeded to marry her and have a total of four children. She seemed sweet and innocent enough. Then I got to know her.

When their first child Lee III was just a baby my brother joined the Army in order to make a better life for his new instant family. He wanted to somehow make his parents proud and rectify the horrible jambles his life had become. He wanted his son to have the best life possible. He wanted a better life "the american dream!" Karla couldnt let him have it though. She wrote him letters everyday. But instead of encouraging words to help him through boot camp. They were all letter saying how she missed him couldnt live without him how she hated my parents and needed him around. Her letters were so servere it caused my brother to become so sick that he was discharged from the military for medical reason just days before his boot camp graduation. He was sent home, just what she wanted.

I dont think that she realizes that the reason she didnt have everything she wanted "A big house, nice new car, best schools and educational programs for her autistic son Mikey" is her own fault!

Lee did his best to provide for them. He scored a management position with Dominoes and made enough to move them out of my parents house and into their own place. Over the next five years their family grew from 3 to 6. Karla refused to work and my brother was constantly struggling to make ends meet.

Im not saying that my brother was at all perfect. There was a time where I practically was living at their apartment and I saw how Karla was treated. He constantly was yelling at her and never really helped her with the kids. At the same time though I know he had to be stressed out and worried how he was gonna keep food on the table and light in the light bulbs.

Karla is the reason they had so many kids. After the second one Michael arrived Lee Jr insisted she take birth control because he knew they could not afford any more children. However Karla being desperate to have a girl did not take her BC correctly and purposely got pregnant two more times.

After the fourth child, my brother had a operation so that no more kids were possible. He didnt tell Karla about this. The result was her cheating on him, leaving him, divorcing him, and becoming even a bigger bitch then she was when she got him booted out of boot camp.

Lee III is now 14 and she has completely cut off not only my brother but my entire family from seeing or speaking to the four boys. I havent seen them in almost 3 years. I havent talked to them in almost a year.

Karla went on to marry the guy she cheated on my brother with and have yet another baby. Which was a boy btw (ha ha). She also lives on a crappy farm with her parents. Yeah good decision Karla!

I miss my nephews everyday and I feel sorry for them having to grow up without us in their lives. They probably think we forgot about them or they have been brainwashed to hate us. I really dont know but all i can hope for at this point is that one day when they are old enough they come find me and I can explain this whole crazy mess to them.

You might be thinking hey why doesnt your brother fight for his rights. I really dont know the whole reason why. But i am fairly sure he is far behind on child support and afraid that he will be arrested for failure to pay back support if he tries to take her to court.

Lee Jr is paying now but he is far behind and while he is trying to make up for his mistakes he still has a long way to go. He has rejoined the military in the national guard and is now in basic training.

Through all his faults I continue to be proud of all his strengths! I love him very much and I cannot wait to see him when he comes back from training!

My opinnion Karla is a bitch whore who doesnt deserve the children she has and needs to get her head out of her ass and think about her kids before herself! Your kids shouldnt be your paycheck!!! All you care about is money and you need to get social services called on your bitch ass! Im sure its illegal to have as many people as you do in that small little farm house! Whatever youre dumb!!


Friday, September 18, 2009


I want to start this blog first by saying that I love my father, and while these stories are true and very rough... he is my dad we have moved past this and are stronger and closer than ever now!

My First Memory of my Father:

"WHO DID IT????" he screamed out. As I knealt down by the side of the couch I remember being so scared and thinking "Oh know someone is in really big trouble" and wishing that my mom was around so that nothing bad would happen and my brothers and sister wouldnt be hurt. "WHO DID IT? THERE IS A HUGE SCRATCH DOWN THE SIDE OF MY CAR!!"

I found out later that my dad had made my sister take the garbage out. The bag was nearly her same size and she had no shoes on. She dragged the bag from the garage out to the curb where the can was and in the process scratch the side of my dads car with the bag by accident. Not only that she stepped on glass and had shards of glass embedded in her feet. Which my grandmother later pulled out one by one as she screamed out in pain.

Of course with my dad yelling the way he was no one wanted to take the blame for the scratch. So my brothers recieved a horrible belt beating that day. I can still hear the screams in my head.

Safety until that one awful day.

My father never hit my mother to my knowledge but he had know problem taking his aggression out on his children. I was fortunate enough to not have to suffer other than emotionally from his beatings for a long time. Maybe because I was young. Maybe because he had my brothers and sister to use for that. Maybe because a part of him knew what he was doing was wrong. But eventually my brothers grew up and moved out and went to college etc and my sister and I were left.

We were living in the farm house in Des Moines the first time I felt the wrath of anger. Only to my surprise it didnt come from my father. It came from my brother Lee Jr. I said the wrong smart ass comment to him and he pushed me down onto the stairs but before i made it down he caught me with his strong hands and proceeded to hit kick and punch me. My sister broke it up and I didnt talk to my brother for months.

I was scared that he had learned this horrible trait from my father. I wasnt really scared for myself, I was scared for Karla his new wife, and their beautiful new baby Lee III. I didnt want my nephew to live the life we had. True we all knew our father loved us and that he did his best to provide for us and we went on amazing vacations because of him (Disney World, Cocoa Beach, Etc), but i didnt want all that pain for that precious baby.

My brother never laid a hand on me since that day. Even though he never officially apologized to me he found a way to make it right. I think that that day woke him up and made him realize that was not the path he wanted to go down. I love my big brother with all my heart and I know he had it the worst and he had to grow up and learn from his mistakes and I am proud of him and what he has accomplished with his life so far. More on that later though.

Soon Lee joined the military and Tom went away to college. We moved into a new house just in time for me to start middle school and Sherri to start her sophmore year in high school. Karla and the baby moved in with us too and life was good for a while. Dad's outbursts were becoming less frequent and we actually seemed happy.

Then we got news that Lee was being sent home early from Boot Camp. Once again our lives were about to change.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Red Oak

Red Oak. Hm what can I say. We moved to Red Oak when I was 7 years old. I remember the drive from Virginia to Iowa. I was so happy because my mom got me fruit by the foot as a snack in the van. Its funny how happy I was by the simpliest things when I was that age.

Even though we only lived in Red Oak for 2 years I feel like thats when my eyes were opened to the fact that I didnt have the perfect family that I once thought I did. My brothers were in high school and while one thrived the other was failing and barely holding on. Lee Jr became side tracked by girls, his friends, being "cool", and completely lost his focus. Things at home werent the best and I think it made him search for comfort somewhere else.

When he met Karla his heart was completely wrapped up in her. She clouded every thought he had and he couldnt see straight.

I remember hearing my parents arguing. "what are we going to do?" my mom said "how do we fix this Lee?" Karla was sixteen and pregnant. Lee was eighteen and not going to graduate high school. "they will get married and we will do what we have to... he will join the military and do what he can with what he has," my dad said. My mother pleaded with the principal to let Lee graduate so that he could join the military and somehow make a future for his new instant family. Her begging must have worked because soon we were attending his graduation and next his wedding.

My father got a new job opportunity in Des Moines and he accepted it. I think we were all thinking that this was great, our unperfect family had a chance to start fresh and make a new stronger start. Lee Jr stayed with Karla and her family, and the rest of us made our way to the big city of Des Moines.

In true Iowa fashion we moved into a old farm house. We all had our own rooms and I remember this feeling of its all going to be ok. Then my sister came in and said try and be good dad is in one of his moods.

His moods were never a good thing. There were times in Red Oak I feared that one of us was going to end up dead or at the very least really injured from one of his moods.

The next blog might make you sad it might make you angry but its an important part of my story and it needs to be said in order for you to understand what happens next in my life.

Til next time thanks for reading,

Getting started

So here I am joining the masses of bloggers or online journalers who put their thoughts out there for the world to see, read, judge, laugh at, love, enjoy? I don't know what you will think of this blog but I know I need to express what I feel before I burst. I hope this blog will be enjoyable for you all to read and relate to. Its all about me and my experiences and the funny things that happen to me in my daily life. Some will be sad and some will be happy, but they all will be real and true.

Ok so now that you know what to expect from reading this lets get started. The title of this blog is the stressful exciting life of a girl from iowa. I think its important for you to know that im not originally from Iowa. I was born in Austin, Tx. I dont really consider myself a Texas girl though considering I only lived there a year. My family moved around a lot when I was a child. Texas (1 year) Virginia (7 years multiple cities) Iowa (Red Oak 2 years then Des Moines 10 years) Nevada (vegas yeah vegas just wait for those stories lol... 4 years) and now im 23 years old and back in Des Moines the place I think of as home.

I would like to take you all on a journey through my life and bring you up to date on where I currently stand.

I born May 6th 1986 (im a stubborn taurus very bullheaded but also very kind and loving) to my parents Wendy and Leland SR. I have two older brothers Lee Jr and Tom. Then there is my sister Sherri. Sherri, well there will be lots about her in my story, she is my best friend my air my blood the person who really helped make me who I am. So its true I am the baby. My mother was very protective over me as a child. I was never picked on by my brothers, they had my sister for that :). I was spoiled and a loud to be creative and learn as much as possible. My parents are amazing and im proud to have them in my life.

When we moved to Richmond, VA I was just a baby. Some of my first memories took place there and it was so much fun. I made lots of friends and was lucky because we got to go to my Aunt Margarets house a lot and play with my cousin Masumeh. We lived in a few houses when we were in Virginia but the house I remember the most was this split level home on a caldisac. There were so many kids in that neighborhood it was like a block party every night. I remember riding my bike from house to house and playing and having a blast.

When my father was offered a new job in Iowa I remember us all being so sad to leave. It was the first time I had to say goodbye to my home. I didnt want to say goodbye, I didnt understand. When we first drove into the small town of Red Oak I remember thinking my dad was nuts if he thought us big city people would ever be happy in this tiny town. However it was that town that changed our lives.

Wanna find out what happened then keep on the look out for my next blog.... comming soon!
